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Two people exercising using TRX equipment in gym

Workout: TRX for Beginners

Are you looking for a new workout? One thing our exercise physiologists can attest to, exercise is not one-size-fits all, and it might take you time to find the perfect workout for you. So how do you start? You try new things!

Members of the OhioHealth McConnell Heart Health Center have the option to use a TRX Suspension Trainer in their training. TRX is an acronym for Total Body Resistance Exercise. It’s a simple piece of equipment that can challenge you and change up your workouts.

Some of our exercise physiologists put together this beginner’s workout to help you get started!

TRX Beginner’s Workout


Person performing Squat TRX Exercise

Begin in an upright position holding the TRX handles in each hand.  Slowly bend your knees and lower your body into a squat position.  Press into your feet to return to the starting position and repeat.  Make sure to keep your toes pointing forward and your heels on the ground.  Do not let your knees bend forward past your toes or collapse inward.



Person performing Row TRX Exercise

Holding the TRX handles in each hand, lean back into a reclined position and slowly walk your feet forward as far as you are able to control.  Bend your elbows, keeping your elbows close to your body and pulling your trunk up toward your hands.  Slowly lower back down, and repeat.  Make sure to keep your core engaged and body in a straight line.


Push Up

Person performing Push Up TRX Exercise

Holding the TRX with an overhand grip at shoulder height, lean forward, bending your elbows and lowering your chest toward your hands.  Push back up to the starting position and repeat.  Make sure to engage your core.  Do not arch your back or shrug your shoulders.



Person performing Lunge TRX Exercise

Holding the TRX handles in each hand at chest height with your elbows bent, take a large step back with one foot and bend your knees to lower your body into a lunge position.  Press into your feet and pull on the straps to return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.  Do not let your knee bend forward past your toes or collapse inward as you lunge.


Biceps Curl

Person performing Bicep Curl TRX Exercise

Holding the TRX handles in each hand with an underhand grip, slowly lean back and walk your feet forward into a reclined position with your arms straight.  Bend your elbows, lifting your body up as you pull your hands toward your shoulders, then lower back down and repeat.  Keep core engaged and your feet firmly planted on the ground.  Do not shrug your shoulders.


Triceps Extension

Person performing Tricep Extension TRX Exercise

Holding the TRX handles in each hand with an overhand grip at shoulder height, bend your elbows bringing your forehead toward your hands and lowering your body on a diagonal, then press into the handles to straighten your arms and repeat.  Keep your core engaged and try to keep your hands in the same spot.  Do not shrug your shoulders or arch your back during the exercise.


Hamstring Curl

Person performing Hamstring Curl TRX Exercise

Lying on your back, hook each heel in each of the TRX handles.  Lift your hips off the floor, then bend your knees, pulling your heels in toward your hips, then press your hips up into a bridge position.  Reverse the movement back to the starting position and repeat. Engage your core and do not let your back arch during the exercise.


Suspended Plank

Person performing Plank TRX Exercise

Begin kneeling on the floor in front of the TRX straps.  Place one foot in each of the straps, then place your forearms on the ground so your elbows are directly below your shoulders and raise up into plank.  Hold this position.  Engage your core.  Do not let your back arch or shrug your shoulders.

Ready to step up your TRX game? Stay tuned, because we have an intermediate workout coming your way!


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