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Should I Get A Third COVID Shot?

Should you get a third vaccination dose? Joe Gastaldo, MD says it depends on how much protection you want.

For individuals vaccinated more than eight months ago, there will likely be recommendations for a booster dose soon. After a booster dose, there is a rise in the body’s antibody titers.

After an initial vaccination, antibody titers have decreased. The memory cell response remains stimulated and lasts for a long time, perhaps even years.

The initial doses of vaccines offer a strong layer of protection against hospitalizations and death. Getting a third dose increases the body’s antibody titers to prevent infections.

Currently, OhioHealth is offering third doses of the Pfizer vaccine to eligible immunocompromised patients at many OhioHealth primary care locations or at our walk-in clinics.

Want the latest from OhioHealth on administering third doses? We have that information on our website.

Want to learn more about common COVID-19 questions? Check our Fast Facts page.

Go to the COVID-19 vaccine scheduling landing page


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